12 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

iPhone/İpod'un BlackRa1n [Windows] ile JailBreak Yönergeli anlatımı

Sevgili Arkadaşlar;
GeoHot BlackRa1N'i Windows kullanıcıları için yayınladı.
Dikkat:Aşağıdaki uyaryıyı gözardı etmeyiniz.

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone and iPod touch using BlackRa1n for Windows.

The BlackRa1n jailbreak will work with the latest 3.1.2 firmware; however, it will not hacktivate your iPhone. This means that if you are not on an official Apple approved carrier BlackRa1n cannot activate it.

For those with the new iPod touch, BlackRa1n only supports a tethered jailbreak. This means that once jailbroken you should not let your battery die. If it does die you will need to reconnect it to the computer and use BlackRa1n to boot it.

WARNING: Even though the GeoHot jailbreak supports 3.1.2 do not update if you are on iPhone OS 3.0.1 or 3.0. You will lose your unlock. Use PwnageTool to safely update to 3.1 without performing a baseband update. If you really must have 3.1.2 then wait for the next version of PwnageTool. If you have already updated to 3.1 or 3.1.2 without using PwnageTool then you've lost the ability to unlock for the time being. You can now use BlackRa1n to at least regain your jailbreak :)

Aşağıdaki adresten Windows imgesini işaretleyerek işleme başlıyoruz.


Resimli Anlatım aşağıdaki iClarified linkinde var.



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